

 Unit Objectives

Psychological Testing in the Area of Intelligences

 Attitude and Personality Tests


Personality Tests

 Examination System: Current Strategies

   Examination Reforms

 Open Book Examination

Semester System



        In the previous unit, you learnt about the major tools and techniques used in evaluation. In it, standardized tests, criterion-referenced tests and diagnostic tests were discussed. In this unit, the discussion will turn towards psychological testing. Psychological testing refers to the administration of psychological tests. A psychological test is an objective and standardized measure of a sample of behaviour. There are many types of psychological tests - intelligence tests, personality tests, occupational tests, and so on. This unit will discuss psychological tests in detail. The unit will also discuss different types of examination systems such as semester system and the open book system.


After going through this unit, you will be able to:

·   Discuss the characteristics and types of attitude

·   Describe the determinants of personality

·   Discuss some of the projective techniques of examining personality.

·   Examine some of the major trends in examinations and evaluations seen in recent times


Intelligence of an individual or group of individuals is tested through various types of tests that are called intelligence tests. Intelligence test can be studied by classifying it in the following ways:

1.                           Classification of intelligence test on the basis of administration:

(i)        Individual intelligence test

(ii)        Group intelligence test

 Classification of intelligence test on the basis of the nature of the test:

(i)        Verbal intelligence test

(ii)        Non-verbal intelligence test

(iii)        Performance intelligence test

    Individual intelligence test: This test can be given to each individual separately. The first practical general intelligence test, called as Binet–Simon scale, was administered individually.

    Group intelligence test: It is the intelligence test, which is administered in groups. The first practical group intelligence test was developed for the Armed Forces during the First World War.

Table, shows the comparison between individual and group intelligence test.

Individual intelligence test

Group intelligence test

·       Can be administered on one individual at a time.

·       It is developed and administered on young children.

·       It is better predictors for young children.

·       It is more expensive and time consuming.

·       It is highly useful in clinical settings.

·       It is difficult to construct.

·       Can be administered on a group of individuals at a time.

·       It is more frequently used for testing normal adults (adolescents or older).

·       It is better predictors for adults’ intelligence.

·       It is much less expensive and time consuming.

·       It is less useful in clinical setting.

·       It is easy to construct.

Verbal intelligence test: Averbal intelligence test needs the following verbal capabilities in the tests regarding the language in which the intelligence test is developed and administered:

o   Understanding spoken language

o   Understanding written language

o   Ability to speak language

o   Ability to write language

o   Verbal comprehension factor

·  A test may require the first four items from the given list or may require all. It is also possible to compose a test in which none of the first four aspects is present and the fifth aspect, verbal comprehension, is the only aspect acting as a cardinal requirement. Each test is examined in terms of its combination of verbal requirement rather than simply classified as ‘verbal’ or ‘non-verbal’.

Non-verbal intelligence test: The intelligence test that is based on symbols or figures and in which language is either very less used or not used is referred to as non-verbal intelligence test. The subject indicates the correct answer either through the use of language or by marking one of a number of choices. The symbolic response might be made with respect to objects rather than printed materials.

·   Performance intelligence test: In this type of intelligence test the subject is required to handle or manipulate objects in such a way as to complete a specified task. Intelligence regarding skills of performing some task is tested through this test. Performance test usually measures more coordination, speed, perceptual and spatial factors. Any kinds of instrument that is in a printed form is referred to as verbal test as this emphasizes verbal comprehension and requires symbolic responses. Table 3.2 shows the comparison between verbal, non-verbal and performance test.

Comparison of Verbal, Non-Verbal and Performance Test

Verbal intelligence test

Non-verbal intelligence test

Performance test

1.  It requires understanding of written language.

2.  Considers verbal comprehension factors.

3.  Conducted by writing language.

It requires symbolic responses on the part of testees.

Considers symbolic relation reasoning factor.

By marking correct choices.

It requires manipulative responses by the testees.

Considers perceptual and spatial factor.

By handling the objects correctly.

Consists of perceptual ability and spatial ability.

Effect of culture and language is not observed.

Only for individual test only.

It can be used for both literate, illiterate, children and adult.

It is difficult of construct, administer and score.

4. Consists of verbal comparative, numerical computation and numerical reasoning.

Consists of reasoning for abstract and seeing the

relationship perception.

5. Effect of culture and language is observed.

Effect of culture and language is not observed.

6. May be used for individual and group testing.

May be used for individual and group testing.

7. It can be used on literate subjects only.

It can be used on illiterate and literate both.

8. It is easy to construct,

administer and score.

It is difficult to construct but easy to administer and score.

Some important tests of Intelligence

There are many tests for measuring intelligence. As discussed above, they can be of three types namely verbal, non-verbal and performance types. Some important tests of intelligence are given as follows:

·   Stanford–Binet test of intelligence

·   Wechsler–Belleve intelligence test

·   Thurstone’s test of primary mental abilities

·   Non-verbal test of intelligence (also known as Reven’s Progressive Matrices)

·   Culture free intelligence test

·   Bhatia–battery performance test

Note: To study and for using any of the intelligence test, consult any psychological test library or psychology lab. Read the manual of the test and try to use it to have first hand experience.


1.   How are intelligence tests classified on the basis of administration?

2.   What is a performance intelligence test?


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